Wednesday, November 07, 2007


You can my story about Lt. Gov. Diane Denish's campaign finance report for her 2010 (!) gubernatorial race HERE.

You can see her entire report HERE.

I think it's great that Denish is voluntarily releasing these reports long before the deadline. Our state law requiring reports only once a year during non-election years is pathetic.

Then again, we've got all these legions of candidates emerging for Congress and U.S. Senate races next year, 2010 does seem like a long time away.

Monday, November 05, 2007


There's a new poll for the New Mexico Senate race, performed by SurveyUSA in partnership with Roll Call that shows Bill Richardson, Marty Chavez and Diane Denish beating both Heather Wilson and Steve Pearce.

This is good news for Chavez, who last month was trailing both GOP candidates.

Tom Udall was not included in the poll. As Josh Kurtz, political editor of Roll Call explains, "He was not tested in Roll Call's poll - and his plans were disclosed too late to be included in the Election Preview, which went to press on Thursday." In last month's poll Udall also was ahead of both Republicans by good margins.

Denish was included because at the time the poll was taken she had not taken herself out of the race.

Richardson -- who insists he is not running for Senate -- would defeat Pearce and Wilson by more than 20 points.

Chavez would run a closer race. He'd beat Pearce by five points and Wilson by four. But the margin of error is 4 percent, so both should be considered dead heats.

Wilson and Pearce continue to beat Santa Fe developer and political newcomer Don Wiviott.

More on this in The New Mexican on Tuesday.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


I was just informed that due to a power outage at Santa Fe Community College, KSFR is off the air and won't be back on in time for my show.

So there's no Sound World tonight.

I'll be back at the station for The Santa Fe Opry next week.

Meanwhile, you can listen to this instead: CLICK HERE



Indulge me for being the proud dad here, but Capitol High School Performing Arts just won the state drama championship for their one-act play at the state tournament in Farmington. My son Anton is part of that, so I've got to tell the world.

I have a couple of political stories in today's New Mexican. There's one about possible contenders running for Congress if Tom Udall -- as everyone seems to expect -- runs for U.S. Senate. CLICK HERE

Then there's THIS ONE about Steve Pearce's statement yesterday that he expects Bill Richardson to get in the Democratic Senate primary. (Once again, please disregard the headline! Pearce is not gearing up for a "crowded race." Chances are he's only got Heather Wilson to worry about in the GOP primary, and, if he wins, only the Democratic candidate in the general election. Remember, REPORTERS DO NOT WRITE HEADINES!)

Here's a music treat by Santa Fe's own Billy Kaundart.

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Yes, it's true, Gov. Bill Richardson is this month's Playboy interview. You can read my story about that HERE.

My favorite part of this month's cover is that the blurb about Richardson says, "A BOLD PLAYBOY INTERVIEW."

Bold? Sounds familiar ... Apparently the governor's press team is writing copy for Playboy.

OK, I'm lying. That's not my favorite part of the cover.

THROWBACK THURSDAY: Come for the Shame, Stay for the Scandal

  Earlier this week I saw Mississippi bluesman Cedrick Burnside play at the Tumbleroot here in Santa Fe. As I suspected, Burnsi...