Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Bargain Bin Finds

I picked up a couple of good used compilation CDs -- at low, low prices -- in the used bins in recent days.

Yesterday at Natural Sound in Albuquerque -- the best record store in the state, by the way, hands down -- I found a 1996 Touch and Go CD called The Lounge Ax Defense & Relocation Compact Disc, which features songs by The Jesus Lizard, Sebadoh, he Archers of Loaf, Guided By Voices, Yo La Tengo (doing a totally crazy instrumental featuring a sax) and best of all, The Mekons.
It was put out to raise money for an influential Chicago bar, which reportedly was being harassed by city officials at the instigation of some yuppie condo owner next door. The Lounge Ax has since shut down, and the evil yuppie has moved to Santa Fe.

Just kidding, but doesn't that sound like a damn Santa Fe story? Remember Dr. No's on Canyon Road? I played a couple of gigs there myself back when Tommy Trusnovic was putting on Monday night shows there. Plus I saw one of the greatest ThaMuseMeant shows ever there at Dr. No's before the Canyon Road ricos heaved a collective "How gauche!" and eventually killed the venue.

But I digress.

Anyway, the CD is full of good stuff, which you Terrell's Sound World listeners will hear in weeks to come. (Not this week though. Sunday night is my BEST of 2003 show.) And for you SF Opry fans, you'll soon get to hear The Bad Livers' "Wild Bill Jones" from Lounge Ax one of these Fridays. (Maybe even this one.)

The other used CD I found is Polka Comes to Your Haus!, which I picked up at College Plaza Hastings on Saturday.

It's a 1990 compilation featuring Brave Combo (two songs), the totally insane Polkacide from San Francisco, Rotondi, Das Furlines (Polka grrrls!) and even Mojo Nixon & Slid Roper's "Polka, Polka."

The collection doesn't come close to the level of my favorite Polka CD American Polka (Trikont, 2001), which not only has crazed polka-rock, but also includes old school masters like Li'l Wally and Frankie Yankovic and even some great Tex-Mex polkaderos like Narcisco Martinez and El Trio Alegre.

Still, Polka Comes to Your Haus! is loads of fun. I've already played Blitzkrieg Over Kenosha by Mark Shurilla & The Blackholes on Sound World. More will follow.

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Sunday, July 21, 2024 KSFR, Santa Fe, NM, 101.1 FM  Webcasting! 10 p.m. to midnight Sundays Mountain Time Host: Steve Terrel...