Thursday, January 08, 2004

Roundhouse Round-up: A New Political Journal

As published in The Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan. 8, 2004

No true political junkie in the state should miss a brand-new Internet offering from the irrepressible state Sen. Rod Adair, R-Roswell.

Adair's e-mail newsletter, Let's Talk Sense, rarely fails to stir things up, especially in state GOP circles. His observations about state Republican Chairwoman Ramsay Gorham have sparked many verbal battles in the war-torn state party.

But now Adair has started a new publication, the New Mexico Political Journal, which can be viewed at his Web site.

Adair says he started the site to make up for a lack of political coverage in other media. "We aim to fill the gaps that are out there, and in a responsible, fair and balanced way."

You don't have to be sly as a fox to know what "fair and balanced" means. You're going to get a conservative Republican viewpoint in this publication. But Adair doesn't always take off the gloves when dealing with his own party. (If you don't believe me, ask Gorham.)

Adair says political news in the state often merely parrots Gov. Bill Richardson's news releases. "And the number of former reporters who are now part of the Richardson administration ... merely underscores this sad fact," Adair wrote.

The hit list: But here's my favorite part of Adair's first issue: "Newspapers and their reporters have been openly threatened and scorned by either Richardson himself, or one of his 'made men.' An enemies list has been established during the first year and reporters know who is on it. They are denied 'access' or invitations to events. We thank the few reporters with the integrity to have withstood the pressure. But for all the reasons enunciated thus far, they need our help."

I don't know anything about an enemies list. The list Richardson told me I was on had a different name.

Rebecca goes to Iowa: Most state Democrats are preparing for the Feb. 3 presidential caucus here. But Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron is getting ready to go to Des Moines, Iowa, for a presidential debate in that state.

Vigil-Giron will be one of four panelists asking questions of White House hopefuls in Iowa's Brown and Black Forum, a nonpartisan organization composed of Hispanic- and black-community leaders in Iowa.

The debate will be televised on MSNBC starting at 6 p.m. MST Sunday.

Gary on stage: The Lensic theater has some impressive shows on its schedule in early 2004 -- Steve Earle, The Blind Boys of Alabama, Bo Diddley, former Gov. Gary Johnson, Rickie Lee Jones ...

Gary Johnson?

That's right. The former gov and his faithful guide, Dave Hahn, will present a short film about their trip to Mount Everest last year as part of the Best of the Taos Mountain Film, scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Lensic, 211 W. San Francisco St. Tickets are $12.


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