Monday, May 21, 2007


Bill Richardson is running for president.

CNN showed the beginning of his speech in Los Angeles, but cut out just a couple of minutes into it.

Richardson noted that Lt. Gov. Diane Denish was there and joking asked who's minding the story back in New Mexico.

Other state officials were there also, according to a press release from the Richardson camp. These include state Treasurer James Lewis, Deputy Secretary of Aging and Long Term Care -- and longtime Richardson staffer -- Patsy Trujillo, and House majority Whip Sheryl Williams-Stapleton.

Also on stage was Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez, who, like Denish wants to be the next governor -- though, I suppose if Chavez is supporting Richardson for president, technically he wants Denish to be the next governor.

The only movie star with Richardson in the movie capitol of the world was Wes Studi.

The big announcement comes at a terrible time for Richardson. Chances are it could be overshadowed by the news that the mother of a fallen Marine is disputing Richardson's account of a conversation with her at son's funeral -- a story Richardson has repeatedly told on the campaign trail. CLICK HERE

As Heath points out , the Marine story could be a blow at a time in which he's starting to rise to double-digit status in polls in Iowa and New Hampshire.

UPDATE: CNN just did a profile of Richardson without mentioning the Marine story. Hmmm...

Of course state Republicans aren't ignoring this story. From a GOP news release:

Chris Atencio, Acting Executive Director for the Republican Party of New Mexico said, “It’s one thing when Richardson lies about being drafted to a major league baseball team, but it is entirely another when he tries to bolster his personal image at the expense of a brave New Mexican and his family who gave the ultimate sacrifice. And now his staff is implying that Mrs. Miller is lying. Again, we stand with Mrs. Miller in demanding an apology, and we hope he’ll heed her request that neither Aaron’s nor her name will be used by him again.”

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