Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I've learned that my good friends at the Santa Fe Reporter will include my water bill in what I guess is an annual report on water usage in Santa Fe.

I'm not sure if I'll be portrayed as a responsible citizen or an evil water hog. I might have brought this on myself by feigning being hurt I wasn't included last year when the Reporter published my former colleague (now Journal North editor) Mark Oswald's water bill and not mine.

If it's anybody's business, I pay about $40 a month for my water, sewage and garbage bill. It went up a little bit this year because I planted a tree in my back yard. I also water flowers in two pots in my tiny front yard and ever so often the other plants in the front. I don't have a lawn. I take daily showers, wash my clothes and dishes. Sometimes I make spaghetti, which requires me to boil water.

That's the news.

UPDATE: (9-26-07) Looks like the SFR water story didn't run this week. Oh well, check it next week to get to the truth about my water bill.

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