Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Yikes, things are looking rough for the governor's presidential hopes.
The new American Research Group poll shows him embalmed in single digits in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina (one percent there. Stephen Colbert wasn't even included in this poll.)

In New Hampshire, he's slid from 8 percent last month to 5 percent now. In Iowa he's down from 10 percent to 7 percent. Granted these numbers are so small it's all within the margin of error. Trouble is, he doesn't seem to be going up anywhere.

(Heath had a good overlook at other bad poll news for Richardson yesterday.)

Then there's the National Journal, which yesterday changed its ranking of Richardson from fourth place, where he's been for months, to SIXTH! That's behind Dodd and Biden. Chuck Todd and Mark Armbinder wrote,

"... the rumor that he's going to eventually quit the race to pursue a Senate seat may eventually take its toll (it already has on the buzz front). The issue we have with Richardson is that he's a terrible liberal; it's not in the guy's DNA. He's trying to become the anti-war candidate but doesn't seem like a credible messenger."
As I said above, "Yikes!"

My story about the effect on Richardson of Iowa moving its caucus to Jan. 3 is HERE . (Please ignore the headline and remember, reporters rarely if ever write headlines!!!!!!) The experts I talked to basically said that moving the caucuses isn't necessarily the kiss of death for the gov in Iowa, where he has devoted most of his advertising dollars.

Maybe a last minute surge from UFO enthusiasts will save him.

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