Friday, October 17, 2014

Exciting News About KSFR

UPDATE: 10 am 10-20-14 Looks like I spoke too soon about this when I was gushing on about this Friday. There are still a few bugs in the system with Radio Free America. Somehow, both of my shows this weekend failed to get archived onto my page there, Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

Here's the original post:

Are you one of those people who say they'd love to listen to my radio shows but can't stay up that late?

Well, you no longer have that excuse.

KSFR has hooked up with Radio Free America, an online service based here in Santa Fe, that archives all our shows for two weeks. We're the second radio station to get on board, KUNM being the first. Hopefully more stations across this great land will join up.

My page can be found HERE. At this writing, there's only one show, last Sunday's Terrell's Sound World, is there -- and it's a good one if I say so myself. However, that should change tonight when I do The Santa Fe Opry (10 pm Mountain Time)

And, if you tool around on the KSFR page at RFA, click on "View All of KSFR's Archived Shows" and you'll find my last two weeks worth under Sunday and Friday.

KSFR has long archived all of its news and talk shows. However, because of the evil Digital Millennium Copyright Act, there are legal complications when it comes to archiving music. (Please don't grill me on this. Somehow websites like Mixcloud get around this somehow.)

Anywho, you also can listen to all of KSFR's shows live.


Speaking of tonight's Santa Fe Opry, the honchos of KSFR have given me lots of bitchen premiums to give away as part of the ongoing KSFR pledge drive. There will be CDs by Johnny Cash and Willie Nelso and tickets to Joe West's Theater of Death and Ryan Adams' upcoming show in Albuquerque. Tune in!

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Sunday, July 21, 2024 KSFR, Santa Fe, NM, 101.1 FM  Webcasting! 10 p.m. to midnight Sundays Mountain Time Host: Steve Terrel...