Monday, September 26, 2016

The Big Enchilada Podcast Turns 100


It all started back in 1916 ... (or was it 2008?) with a cheap HP laptop and a dream ... 

I'd recently become a member of the GaragePunk Hideout and a big fan of wild and wondrous podcasts that were an integral part of that online musical community. Having produced two late-night radio shows for more than a decade at KSFR in Santa Fe, I thought I'd try my hand at this newfangled podcast thing. I slapped together my first show -- using an old recording of one of my old Halloween radio shows, I slapped together my first podcast. About a month later I put together an original show. 

And I've been going ever since. Welcome to the 100th Big Enchilada Podcast.


Here's the playlist:

(Background Music: Mudbuggy by Southern Culture on the Skids)
Elephant Man by Meet Your Death
Mighty Man by James Leg
Melt by The Mystery Lights
Skylab by The Grannies 
Ramona by Hipbone Slim & The Knee-Tremblers
Brains-a-Flame by Johnny Dowd featuring Anna Coogan

(Background Music: Land O Lakes by Deke Dickerson & The Trashmen)

A set of songs by bands I came to know through producing The Big Enchilada

Prix Zombie Horror Deluxe
Shoot the Freak by Lovestruck
Don't Take Your Bad Trip Out on Me by The Electric Mess
Life on the Dole by The Molting Vultures
Luck by The Manxx
I Ran With a Zombie by The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies

(Background Music: Java Part 1 by The Raunch Hands)
Dead Man's Gun by Thee Oh Sees
God Monster by The Cramps
One Ugly Child by Thee Headcoats
Richard Speck by The Chesterfield Kings
All That Lovin' by Archie & The Bunkers
(Background Music: Mr. Lucy by Henry Mancini)

Play it below:

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