Wednesday, August 17, 2005


O.K here's a bunch of photos from my trip to southern California last week. Most of them were taken by Helen. I'll probably post a few more when my batch of film is developed.

Dogs of the deep Posted by Picasa

"You can see all the stars as you walk down Hollywood Boulevard ..." Posted by Picasa

"One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small ..." Posted by Picasa

Where the food is sanctifiably delicious ...  Posted by Picasa

The mural is gloomy, but the food at Lucy's Mexican drive-in next door on Pico Boulevard was inspiring. Posted by Picasa

"To those who are successful/Stay always on your guard/For success walks hand-in-hand with failure/along Hollywood Boulevard ..." Posted by Picasa

Here's an o.k. Spade Cooley link.

The line for Splash Mountain is how long???!!??  Posted by Picasa

What do you mean "Move along," officer? Posted by Picasa

Defying the Empire's "No Cameras" rule. Posted by Picasa

I wonder if the dead fish discourages anyone from ordering the fish tacos at Lucy's ... Posted by Picasa

THROWBACK THURSDAY: Come for the Shame, Stay for the Scandal

  Earlier this week I saw Mississippi bluesman Cedrick Burnside play at the Tumbleroot here in Santa Fe. As I suspected, Burnsi...