Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Critiquing Music Critics.

A lot of people are saying the internet is making us rock critics obsolete. Still others say Bevis and Butthead killed the critic 10 years ago.

Here's a thoughtful piece by Gemma Tarlach of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

What's my take on my role as a critic? Hell, I just like mouthing off about music and sometimes turning folks on to a singer or band they've never heard of. If people want to read it, fine. If they want to argue, even better. (My e-mail link's always on the right side of this blog and there's a comment feature right below every post. Don't be afraid to use either.)

WACKY WEDNESDAY: Albums Named for Unappetizing Food

O.K., I'll admit this is a pretty dumb idea.  It came to me yesterday after I ran into my friend Dan during my afternoon walk along the ...