Saturday, May 03, 2008


State Democratic Party Chair Brian Colon made it official, endorsing Barack Obama today. He's the fourth New Mexico superdelegate to endorse Obama. Six others have gone for Clinton, while two, including Rep. Tom Udall, are undecided.

Here's the press release:

Albuquerque, NM - Today, New Mexico State Party Chair and superdelegate Brian S. Colón endorsed Senator Barack Obama, citing Obama's ability to bring new voters into the process as well as the positive campaign Obama has run.

State Party Chair Brian Colón said, "Barack Obama has proven to inspire a movement that has brought a record number of people into the process. He's proven to be a candidate who can compete and will fight hard to expand the Democratic Party's reach and put Western states in play in the general election. His message of change is resonating across all ages, races and economic backgrounds in New Mexico.

"As I talk to Democrats all over New Mexico they are increasingly concerned with the negative tone that the campaign has taken. I believe that Senator Obama has presented a positive message of change while continuing to focus on our real opponent; a John McCain presidency and another four year term of failed Bush policies.

"Barack Obama has run a different kind of campaign - one that goes beyond the things that divide us and is driven by a commitment to real change that starts at the grassroots level. Here in New Mexico, where we had a very close election on February 5th, the excitement I saw throughout the state is good for our Party and good for our State. While there are two very talented candidates in this race, I am proud to make this announcement today because I want to see Barack Obama's positive movement for change continue to transform the Democratic Party and this country."

The endorsement brings the total number of superdelegates to endorse Barack Obama to 254. Senator Obama is 278 delegates away from securing the Democratic nomination.

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