Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Some thought we might be in for two or three gruelling weeks at the ballot warehouse in Albuquerque, but it looks like Steve Pearce is the winner of the Republican Senate primary.

Heather Wilson just e-mailed this statement a few minutes ago:

"When I first ran for public office ten years ago, I learned an important lesson: no one can do this alone. The wonderful thing about New Mexico is that I never had to.

I would not have served in the Congress if it weren’t for the support and encouragement of Senator Pete Domenici. Ten years ago, we sat in his sister’s living room on a Saturday afternoon and talked about our dreams for America, about our love of this state and its people, and about our shared passion for finding solutions to the challenges we face. It has been a wonderful privilege to serve for a decade in the Congress with him and I thank him for his support and his kindness.

The thousands of New Mexicans who stood with our campaign worked hard, contributed much and always had broad smiles and words of encouragement. Likewise, my wonderful and loyal staff has set the standard for excellence in public service.

From the depths of my heart, I thank all of you for everything you have done for our common cause. Please know that the election result tonight is mine, not yours. You did a wonderful job and I’m proud of every one of you.
Today, Republicans have made their choice and I gladly accept it. I congratulate and commend Congressman Pearce and wish him all the best. He has my support and my endorsement as he campaigns for the United States Senate.

As Republicans, we fight hard for the things we believe in. We also close ranks quickly when the people have spoken. As members of this great party, we have no time for disappointment or for bitterness. We have work to do and a charge to keep.

I ask all of you to join me as we roll up our sleeves and elect John McCain as the next President of the United States and Darren White, Ed Tinsley, and Dan East to our House delegation from New Mexico.

We will hitch our horses to the wagon and elect Republicans from the courthouse, to the Round House, and all the way to the White House.

We will continue to build this great party on the principles we share: support for free enterprise, a strong national defense, and the centrality of the family in American life. We will keep building this great party and we will win elections where it is tough to win because we offer positive solutions to problems that matter to people, and a quality of public service that every New Mexican wants and deserves.

I have always been blessed with a satisfying professional life and a very close, loving family life. Each gives richness and dimension to the other. In our family, we believe God gives you gifts, and then he comes back to check on you to see how you used them. And we believe in duty to country -- even when that duty can sometimes be a heavy burden for a family to carry.

While I certainly would have preferred to declare victory tonight, I remain very positive about the future of our nation and our great state. And I’m sure all of you can understand that the beautiful silver lining for us tonight is that I can look forward to watching less mud wrestling in Washington and more soccer . . . and softball . . . and tennis . . . and baseball. . . and basketball here in Albuquerque.

Thank you all for your support, and your kindness. May God bless you and may God bless the great state of New Mexico."
By the way, my story on the CD 3 race is HERE.

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