Monday, September 10, 2012

Santa Fe Musicians Organize

Some Santa Fe musicians are sick of complaining about the conditions of local music -- low paying gigs, lack of venues, etc. etc. So  they're starting to organize.

John Widell, better known to local music lovers as Johny Broomdust, started a Facebook page for something called the Santa Fe Music Alliance. It's in an embryonic stage right now, but Broomdust and others have plans.

"We plan to form a non-profit for the benefit of Santa Fe musicians," he told me Sunday. In a post on the page, he wrote, "We will incorporate as a non-profit and membership in the cooperative will require an application and perhaps a modest dues payment. We will probably elect a five member board of directors to deal with administrative tasks."

He said that David Waldrup and Mikey Baker are working with him as organizers. They're planning an organizational meeting in the near future.

Here's the working draft mission statement:

"Santa Fe Music Alliance is a non-profit alliance of working Santa Fe musicians and music advocates dedicated to creating a sustainable and vital Santa Fe music scene. SFMA's mission is to coordinate the efforts of musicians, promoters, venues, studios, fans, the City of Santa Fe, and other public and private contributors to make Santa Fe a great place to create, perform, and enjoy live music. SFMA also seeks to make the lives of Santa Fe musicians better by improving and promoting better local venues and festivals, recording and touring opportunities, insurance and other benefits musicians need to survive."
Good luck to 'em. Got any ideas, post 'em on the Facebook page.

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