Wednesday, December 30, 2015

WACKY WEDNESDAY: The Auld Lang Syne Variations

The new year is nearly upon us, so it's important to remember that there's more than one way to tip a cup of kindness with "Auld Lang Syne."

For instance, there's the Japanese one-man band way.

Here is another street musician, this one from Texas. "Folkie Kay" doesn't normally dress this way. She was wearing a costume that she says was "made for a production of Shakespeare's play Richard III at the University of Texas in the early 50s." Listen close and you'll hear a kazoo in the background.

Then there's this guy, performing what Dangerous Minds calls a "David Lynchian" version of Auld Lang Syne" on a theremin.

There's the slasher-movie/serial-killer way ...

And finally, here's how you do it if you're a cigarette-smoking cartoon lamb working for an Christian e-card company ...

For more on Auld Lang Syne CLICK HERE Happy New Year!

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