Saturday, April 16, 2005


One thing I've learned during my 25 years in journalism: You get accused of the damnedest things.

Just yesterday a strange Internet accusation came to my attention. It's on a web forum for supporters of Gen. Wesley Clark. (The 2008 election is closer than you think, folks ...)

A forum member known as "KayCeNM" posted my Roundhouse Round-up column about Gov. Bill Richardson on Saturday Night Live.

In introducing it, KayCeNM said:

Steve Terrell is the one that blacked out our General in our local paper. I've never forgiven him for hat.

I did what??????????

How was General Clark "blacked out" in the paper? During the New Mexico presidential caucus season in late 2003-early 2004, I remember writing stories when Clark had a press conference in the governor's office then toured the local food bank; when Gert Clark appeared at a rally; when Jamie Koch and a couple of other staffers jumped ship from the doomed Gephardt campaign and went to work for Clark; and covering a meeting of Clark campaign workers at Tiny's Lounge.

This plus countless mentions in various stories when I called to get reactions from the various campaigns. Plus there were stories about the Clark campaign in The New Mexican by the Associated Press and other writers.

One bit of coverage preserved here in this very blog is a post-caucus column recalling Roberto Mondragon singing "Decolores" at a Clark rally at the Inn at Loretto.

If my purpose was to "black out" Clark coverage, I did a pretty lousy job at it.

I tried to find an e-mail link for KayCeNM but wasn't successful. I'm interested in hearing KayCe's side of the story about me "blacking out" the general.

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