Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I just saw this fun little widget on Avelino's ($25,000!) blog (he says he got it from NewMexiKen's ($27,000) blog) .

So not only is my blog second-rate, it's worthless!

(I don't know what criteria this instant analysis uses -- it takes about a half second to determine your blog's value. But it's on the Internet, so it must be true.)

UPDATE: Thanks to the comment below from Ken, I checked it again and found he's correct. I'm worth something! A quick investigation of the html reveals that I had used a semi-colon where a colon belong. (Colbert had some thoughts on the semi-colon recently: Are you a colon or a coma? Make up your mind. We're at war!)

So in the words of Emily Litella, "Never mind."

My blog is worth $26,533.38.
How much is your blog worth?

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