Wednesday, July 12, 2023

WACKY WEDNESDAY: Mash-Ups for the Mind and Body

How long has it been since I posted a bunch of mash-ups?

About three months, I think.

But as the Wolf Brand Chili guy would say, "Well friend, that's too long."

So here ya go!

Let's start out with a soul-metal mash (by the masterful Bill McClintock) featuring The Temptations and Danzig:

Another McClintock soul/metal mash-up, this one featuring Edwin Starr and Slayer:

Creedence Clearwater Revival and The Velvet Underground go together better than you might think:

True story: Jim Morrison faked his death and reemerged in the early '90s to team up with Nirvana. (Then he murdered Kurt Cobain!)

Speaking of the '90s, anyone out there have nostalgia for commercial grunge? Me neither. But here's a pretty good mash-up of what they used to call "alternative rock" during the Clinton era:

More fun with mash-ups from this blog, HEREHERE, HERE, HERE and HERE

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