Thursday, March 30, 2006


Political pundit Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia Center For Politics comments today about Senate and gubernatorial races.

No big surprises, but here's what he says of New Mexico:

Senate race:
Outlook: Solid Democratic

Democratic Senator Jeff Bingaman, a four-term veteran, was on the verge of retiring, but pulled back and has now launched his campaign for re-election. He will likely win his fifth term. GOP Congresswoman Heather Wilson would have been tough competition, but she is running for re-election this time around.

Governor's race:

Outlook: Solid Democratic

Governor Bill Richardson (D) is still the favorite to win his second term, but he has had some problems recently, not least the controversy over his frequent traveling and the decision to buy a new, expensive state jet. Possible Republican nominees have been hard to come by so far, but it's still early.

Our bet stays with Richardson, but it matters how well and easily he wins, if he intends to be a serious 2008 Democratic presidential candidate.

Did he say the state jet was a potential problem for the gov? Just after reading that, as if by magic, I received this press release from the Department of Public Safety:

Santa Fe—Governor Bill Richardson has offered the state jet to fly a Bernalillo County Sheriff official and a State Police investigator to Washington D.C. to participate in the television show America’s Most Wanted. The program will feature efforts to apprehend accused killer Michael Paul Astorga who police believe shot and killed Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Deputy James McGrane, Jr. during a traffic stop on March 22nd. The show will air live on KASA-TV at 8:00 p.m. local time Saturday night.

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