Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I've recently been in e-mail contact with the daughter of one of my childhood heroes, FOREMAN SCOTTY.

For those of you who didn't grow up in Oklahoma City in the 50s and 60s, Scotty -- real name Steve Powell -- was a kiddy show host on what was then known as WKY. His character was a cowboy.

Not only did he have a studio full of kids every weekday in his "Circle 4 Ranch," (I was on a couple of times), he also had "adventure" segments in which he and his friends -- Xavier T. Willard, Cannonball McCoy, and sometimes 3-D Danny and back in the old, old days, Hog Waller -- would travel back in time through the Mystery Mine or explore the Amazon in a submarine or fight the Dog Man Robots ... You can see how this show shaped, or probably warped my imagination.

Anyway, Scotty's daughter Lisa has started a new blog and wants people to share their Foreman Scotty memories. The first, and so far only post, features my memory of ruining a live adventure shot at Wedgewood Amusement Park back in the '50s.

If you have a story to share, e-mail LISA.


  1. Steve, You've helped me so much, been so kind and generous. Seeing my dad through the eyes of children who loved and admired him as Foreman Scotty has been such a gift to me. I'm sure in the past people tried to tell me their stories, but I was so used to tuning them out...thanks for being there when I was ready to tune them in. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in this world by mistake.

  2. Just found this post. I played Hog Waller in the 50's. Steve Powell and I would be hired to appear in parades and make appearances at various theaters around the state. Steve was a pilot so we could do 2-3 events in one day. It was quite an ego boost being on the TV show. Steve was one of the most generous people when it came to sharing the limelight. He allowed all the characters on the show to get their moments of glory.
    -Chuck Dunaway aka Hog Waller
    P.S. Does anyone know where I could get a copy of the 45 of Hog's Mechanical Cow?


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