Terry Brunner, U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman's campaign manager, took it upon himself to write haikus for several New Mexico political reporters and bloggers.
That has a certain zen to it ...
He was interupted during this project by the birth of his daughter last month, but he managed to come up with a few.
With his permission, I blog them all:
(Jeff Jones)
J Jones is the man
Journal political beat
Quiet but deadly
(Kate Nash)
Albuquerque Trib
Kate Nash their political lass
Damn good reporter
(Heath Haussamen)
A new perspective
The South is not forgotten
With Heath on the beat
(Joe Monahan)
Oh, Joe Monahan
You tawdry gossip monger
We are addicted
And last, but not least ...
Steve Terrell New Mex
Roundhouse inside track
Music for my ears
Still, I can't help but wonder: Could Bingaman have done better than his 71 percent if his campaign manager wasn't busy having babies and writing haiku?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
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